Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Bar Method

So what does it take to kick Midlife square in the ass? Well, for starters, the ability to kick anything would be nice. But sadly I didn't have much in the ass kicking ability department when I turned 40. So I have made it my mission to change that. I am going to be a stronger, meaner Minja. Or perhaps go the the ER trying.

First up, something called The Bar Method. Yes, I understand that staring with an exercise that doesn't involve any contact with my fellow exercisers can't really teach me to kick butt, but I wanted to start off easy. Boy was I wrong. The Bar Method blends ballet, by doing stretchy moves at the barre, with Pilates, by focusing on the core muscles almost the entire time. My first (several) lessons were hard, but not nearly as hard as having to walk down the stairs and back to my car after the lesson. I had to slowly lower myself down each and every step and then hobble back to my car all the way across the tiny parking lot. Not cool. I did okay during the class, kept up with the teacher, and didn't have to give up mid-exercise too many times. But immediately after the class my body said HA! I know I wasn't the only one working hard there; I heard plenty of groaning during the class. But why did it take me 5 minutes to walk the 50 feet to my car afterwords? And why were all the other ladies in my class were half way home before I could even get my jello-y arm to shift into reverse? Ugh.

Whatever. I will stay with it. The teacher said that the shaking in my legs means I'm actually doing something, changing them for the better. And I really want better legs. Stronger legs. Booty kicking legs! Plus I have paid in advance for one full month of classes, and being the cheapo that I am, I intend to go as many times as possible in the know, to get my money's worth.

I'll keep you posted on my progress...assuming I can still lift my arms high enough to reach the computer keyboard. :)

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